Collector's Choice
Sunday is Collector's Choice Day. This artwork is a Masterpiece done by the Mabini Master Francisco Paco Gorospe. Each Sunday we present online one special piece of Mabini Art, chosen by one private collector of Art of the Philippines.
Master Francisco Paco Gorospe Abstract people in black, Oil on Canvas, 90 cm x 150 cm, 1986, Signed lower right with dateFor over 80 years now, Mabini Street, the two-kilometer street located in Ermita has been the nexus of touristy and artistic activities. In its heyday, it teemed with art galleries and shops, making it Manila’s most colorful alley.
More about the artwork "Gorospe painted climate change not in the expected change of colors of the physical, natural environment, but its impact on objects with or without outside referents. The shapes of the "cool climate" are pictorially presented likewise: clear and blurred edges with the shapes centrally positioned." "The shapes allow for vertical and horizontal line to create quadric directional motion, despite climate's impact." (Quote of the text from the Book Revisiting ‘Mabini Art’, published in 2013; Germany; Prof. Paul Blanco Zafaralla, PH.D.)